Finally ishowSpeed meets Cristiano Ronaldo


Finally ishowSpeed meets Cristiano Ronaldo


Finally ishowSpeed meets Cristiano Ronaldo

Popular American YouTuber IShowSpeed, who has 17.2 Million subscribers on his YouTube channel and  is the greatest fan of Cristiano Ronaldo  meets footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and express his happiness. He was trying to meet Cristiano Ronaldo since worldcup 2022 and in the last match of Portugal vs Bosnia he finally met Cristiano Ronaldo.

Rafael Leao who is also in National team of Portugal helped Speed to meet with Cristiano Ronaldo.

As part of his feed at the game, Speed was told that if he walked down to the car park as the players were leaving the stadium, he might be able to meet Ronaldo. After a few minutes of waiting, Ronaldo appeared and Speed fell on his knees in awe of his idol.

During the meet Speed apparently says “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I’m sorry! Oh my god, Ronaldo!”

Speed also showed his tattoo of Ronaldo during the conversation.

Ronaldo also mentioned that his son has already told about a fan youtuber.



Finally ishowSpeed meets Cristiano Ronaldo

Source: Ishowspeed Twitter

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